Friday, November 14, 2014

Verb Tense Hoorah!

Hi! This week in language we will be studying more about using past, present, and future tense verbs. Remember that many past tense action verbs will end in -ed, and many past tense linking verbs will include 'was', 'were', 'had', etc. Present tense action verbs may be the basic form of the word or may end with -ing, and linking verbs of this sort may include 'is' or 'am'. Finally future tense action verbs may include an -ing ending and linking verbs may also include 'will' or 'is going to'. The activities below are provided as extra reinforcement of this topic. Have fun studying! :)

Verbs in Space
     - This game is a basic review of verbs.
Crocodile Board Game
Verb Tense Battleship Game
Verb Mix Up Carousel
Verb Tense Train
Quiz Time - Verb Tense Town and Country Mouse
Use and Form Simple Verb Tenses Video -
Circus Grammar Tenses
Verb Tense Video 1 -
Verb Tense Video 2
Tense Forms of Verbs 
English Tips 1
English Tips 2

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